He'll come when he's ready


My due date was October 25th and baby boy is taking his precious time arriving. I don't mind as much anymore but it's so annoying that everyone keeps texting and calling asking is he here or saying things like he needs to hurry up. Umm excuse me, if anybody is ready for him to come it should be me due to the fact that I'm just tired of being kicked and I can't wait to lay on my belly again. It's even gotten to the point where my fiance is annoyed too with all of the phone calls and texts. When he comes and we want you to know then we most definitely will.

It's kind of making me not want to tell so many ppl and I'm dreading the amount of ppl that are already planning to come to the hospital or over to the house after discharge. Wooossaahhh!!

It's so annoying and I needed to vent but I'm sure someone can relate.