

So I have a half sister who I lost contact with when I was 3 or so and she was a baby. I think I remember going to visit her and then the home told me she was finally adopted and I couldnt see her anymore since my dad signed his rights over. Since then, my grandparents have custody of me and my other sister, and I had pretty much forgotten her. Until recently it's been really bothering me that I don't even know what she looks like. Somewhere out there I have another little sister that I know nothing about. My mother used to have her adoptive mother's number but she ( my mom )was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and her mind isn't all there. My dad only likes to visit my mom in the middle of the night when Im either asleep or don't notice that he's outside and even then, I already asked and he said he knew nothing. My mamaw tries to help and my mom helps the best she can. I know the town, state, and I'm pretty sure I know her ( my half sister ) name. I know I'm not support to look for her but I just want to see what she looks like. I don't know why it's so important to me. I don't want to tell her who I am. My family is pretty messed up so it's not like I would have anything that she doesn't already have. I don't even know if she knows about being adopted. So I would want to crash into her world anyway. I just want to see if she is happy.

I don't really know why I wrote this. I guess to get it off my chest. But if anyone has any advice for maybe finding a social media profile of hers, I'd love to hear it. Or if you think I should give up because this is an unhealthy obsession and it will lead to disappointment. I just need advice.

Thanks for taking to time to read his. And sorry for spelling and Grammer errors. Huge run on sentence I know I should fix it but my hands are falling asleep. It's hard to type on a tablet :)