So I'm torn and need advice from other moms

So I went to an appointment with a Nero sergion yesterday I've already had a spinal fusion a couple years ago but the Sergion who did my last one doesn't accept Obama care policy's( so stupid I still pay private insurance I jist bought it off my states health connector site ) anyway the new sergion wants to do a very invasive procedure . If I didn't already go through this I wouldn't know that this way is not good . But she wants to do it in 2 weeks it is at least a 6 week recovery . My question is do I try to put it off until after the holidays for my kids sake ? The risks are huge coma death peralisis. ... so I don't want my kids to have a bad association with holidays. I know that happens to people if there is a death or something . I don't have a good feeling about this new sergion I'm going to try to get a different one but idk if I can with this policy.