offensive costumes?

Victoria • Harley's mommy 💙👶🏻12-4-16 Due with baby #2 Oct 2024 👶🏻
First, idk where to put this so I'm putting it under this topic because hell, maybe it's just me and my pregnancy hormones that doesn't get it but anyway, this will probably get taken down because glow finds anytbing offensive but I'm genuinely curious about this. Why is it SUCH a big deal now if you dress up as a "tribal Indian" for Halloween? It's all over Facebook, buzz feed, I even saw it on the news and heard a young woman literally bitching about it in party city and how it's wrong to portray Indians that way....I'm white, I'm an American, some people would even consider my family to be "rednecks" and I don't get offended or applaud when people dress up as "rednecks" or "trailer trash" for Halloween? Yeah, people exaggerate it just like people exaggerate the whole "tribal indian costime" but isn't that what Halloween is about....dressing up.....why do people take it SO offensively? I've seen posts shaming girls for doing what they believe is "tribal" makeup? It's freeaking halloween for Gods sake. It's not like these girls are wearing it to make fun of a culture? Shit, when people dresss up as "white folk" they'll color a tooth in, wear raggity clothing, stick hay in their mouth and act like idiots. Hell its a Halloween costume, I laugh at them. Since when did the Halloween tradition of dressing up become so "offensive" ?