Kids will never come first

Sadly today I see a lot of people who just completely change once they have a child. Why do you feel the need to change so much? Seriously you're the same person you just had a baby that's all. All that should be changing is incorporating your baby into your schedule for feedings, play time, nap time, bath time. That doesn't mean you just become a different person. As someone who came from parents who made me their (entire) and i mean entire world I can honestly say, your kids will be thankful that you raised them and have them a nice life but not every relationship stays that way. There has to be a balance because what's going to happen if your child leaves You? What's going to happen if you get divorced and they want to go to dad? Whats going to happen if they just grow up to be spiteful and hateful and don't want to see you. There has to be multiple doffere t sections to having a kid. You need to balance having a child while keeping your marriage string and still working if you do or just getting things done. Once you put al your eggs in the "kid" basket you will see as years go by that you've lost a lot of friends (good friemds) your husband may hold on to some anger feeling that you ignores him. You may stop taking care of yourself.... Just find the balance, a baby is a great gift but it's not the only gift