ER Section due to Transverse Lie

Starfysh • @starfysh ✌🏽️
What was diagnosed as a footling breech turned out to be a transverse lie front presentation with arm forward. This was an ER C-Section. Didn't even have time for dad to be there. I was very shocked and knew nothing about this until I was signing my C-Section consent forms and wanted to share the info. Basically had I recognized I was transverse when my early labor started I would have probably been able to turn the baby to head down or even breech and been able to deliver vaginally, unfortunately I didn't know until after my water broke and it was too late! When you're doing your labor preparation don't forget to read up on transverse lie! Here's the best photo I could find of my irregular presentation. My third baby had to be born via c-section because she was smaller and able to turn in my stretched out relaxed abdomen much easier. She turned out of posterior head down and into transverse overnight. This was heartbreaking for me as I do not live in a county that allows for VBAC. So read up on positionings! And good luck out there mamas!