Stay or go?

Ali • 🌵🌻

So last night my Fiance just became my bf again. We figured being engaged wasnt working right now. The reason why is bc I saw something on his phone about wanting to break up with me and have me move out. I packed my things without him knowing and I was on the phone with homeless shelters when he walked in and we started talking about it. He said he was just upset and that he wished I never saw it bc he wasn't gonna say anything until he was for sure. We talked a bit and he was gonna go to the gym while I picked whether I should leave or not. I was going to stay with my sister for a few days and then see what happens after that. But when he came back he explained to me that when he saw all my stuff on the bed packed up he wanted to cry like a little baby and he wanted me to forget about all of this and just try for a little longer. I said okay and tonight I'm still going to spend the night with my sister just for a break bc I honestly think he should think on it more. We still care for each other, things are just weird right now.

I honestly feel like he feels bad that I'd end up in a homeless shelter and that's why he really doesn't want me leaving. But I'm not sure bc I can't tell what he's thinking obviously.

Can someone give me their input please? Should I go so we can work on our problems as individuals? Should I stay and see if things will work? Or should we both think things through and see what's really going on and see if this rut is temporary?

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