Ready for Baby

I'm so ready to meet our little man. I'm 36 weeks today. He has been measuring about 2 weeks ahead for 6 weeks. I'm going for twice weekly NSTs because my liver enzymes spiked and I had high BP once, it's been normal since. He is head down and fully engaged. My cervix is closed but soft and ready. I've been losing pieces of my mucus plug for a few days now. 
My doctor said it could be any time now and two weeks ago said they wouldn't stop labor if I started on my own. 
I'm so ready to meet him. I'm very done being pregnant. Sleep is pretty darn evasive now between the heartburn, restless legs, general discomfort and constant need to pee. I'm only slightly nervous about labor and delivery. I'm confident in my doctor and my husband. I just need him to come already!