Help Motivate me Please

I'm 22. Last Spring I was supposed to graduate, cum laude, with an English degree. A few weeks AFTER graduation (after I got all my gifts and my family came to see me and I did the whole big ceremony) the school sent me a letter saying that I needed SIX more hours to graduate. So I had to take more classes this Fall. I'm taking two online classes. I didn't want to go to real classes and see all those people I said adios to in the Spring. It was just too embarrinsing. Anyways, I'm having a hard time caring about m two classes this semester. I've skipped work and I hardly pay attention to what I'm learned. I think I am borderline failing both of them right now. I hate that I am letting myself do this. I have always been an A and B student!! I always turned in my work!! I worked hard AF during my four years to make sure I learned as much as I could from my classes and to keep my GPA at a decent level. I feel like it's all going to the shitter now and that all my hard work I was for nothing. I hate that the school told me I was done and then changed their fucking mind!!! I'm so done with all this. I started a life outside of college over the summer and now I can't keep up with both. I know other people have like full time jobs and four kids and still go to school, but Im not that awesome of a person. I like to pour everything into one thing, like I did four my four college years. I was ready to exist in the "real world". Ugh I'm so sorry if you read this whole thing, I just needed to rant. I guess I'll go home and do homework. I haven't in like... two weeks, and I hate myself for it. Somebody yell at me and tell me to stop being a little bitch lolOh and I'm sorry I meant to post this in the rant but I just realized now that I'm done typing that I haven't subscribed to it yet.