My Little November Baby Just Couldn't Wait

Henley Reese was born Thursday, October 27th at 12:46am at 36 weeks 2 days, weighed 6 pounds 1oz and 19 1/2 inches long. My water broke around 7:30 am Wednesday, went into labor and delivery but I was only about 1cm dilated and no contractions so we started pitocin at about 9. Things started moving quickly and painfully after that. I got an epidural around 3:30 in the afternoon, they had to re do it because the first time only my left side went numb and I could still feel contractions on my right. Once they got the epidural where it needed to be, I was able to rest much more comfortably. Pressure started to build up and by about 9pm, I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for nearly four hours and when I was at the end of my energy and telling everyone that I couldn't push anymore, our little girl finally made her entrance into the world. She came out screaming, crying and needing no interventions what so ever. We're so blessed and appreciative that we were able to deliver a healthy baby before I was technically full term. We're just waiting for her to pass her car seat test so that we can go home. She tried once and failed but they are going to do it again tonight and hopefully we will be released in the morning. 😊😍❤️👶🏼