MIL at hospital while I give birth???

I just told my husbands family my induction date today... and immediately my MIL (who I am close to and get along with just for background) asks if she can be there "just to wait in the waiting room" all day. Until the baby comes.
I know my mother in law and whilst I love her dearly and we really do get along well I KNOW it won't just be "waiting in the waiting room all day" and when the baby finally is born she'll want to see it STRAIGHT AWAY. 
I know I might sound selfish but I see this as time for me, my husband and our new baby to get to know each other. I'll still be getting stitches and who knows what else anyway!!! How can I tell her nicely no? My husband isn't being much help, he just said, "I told you that's what she'd do." No support or anything, thanks buddy! 😑😑😑