depression before having baby

Kailei • Baby Tama👶🏽👣
I've read a lot about PPD and I know a few women that are going through it but what about getting depression before even giving birth to your child? I'm a first time mama and 37w2d and for the last two weeks I've been so depressed and it's harder for me to get through nights because I have break downs and just cry. I know my pregnant hormones probably contribute to this but I can hardly look at myself in the mirror because I'm disgusted with how I look, I cried all night yesterday because I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I deleted all my social media apps from my phone because I was comparing my body and my pregnancy to other women and I felt deleting would help me become more positive. I'm just so uncomfortable, I feel my stretch marks are hideous, my body is bloated from retaining water so my doc believes I'm starting to show signs of preeclampsia, I'm horrified at the thought of what my stomach will look like when my son is born. I seriously want to be strong like so many women on this app that day they are proud of what their bodies look like and I thought I was strong in the beginning but now I just am so down. I don't know how my husband can look at me and I don't like being naked in front of him anymore. I literally have anxiety about going into labor and the nurses and docs seeing me naked. Wow I probably sound like the biggest cry baby but just wondering if I'm the only one in this boat. I'd love to hear from you ladies cause I think it would help me a lot. Thank you ❤️