breastfeeding question to multiple time moms

So I'm pregnant with my second. I tried very hard to breastfeed with my first. Lots of things just didn't work out for me. He was sick, and my supply was super low. No matter what I did I couldn't get my supply up. I extra pumped, took fenugreek, drank mothers milk tea, ate oatmeal...ect. At 7 weeks I had to go back to work and as soon as I did my lo only wanted the bottle. My supply ran dry and that was that. So this time I really hope things go better. Last time I didn't take my pump to the hospital and just pump and try to feed constantly. I have a different pump this time (had a Medela pis last time and have a spectra this time). Should I take my pump to the hospital? Any tips to really get my milk going? Praying that this little one isn't sick and will want to nurse. I'm open to advice and any help!!