Tearing during labor?


I'm terrified of tearing during labor. We had a growth scan at 38 weeks and baby measured 9.2 pounds, which apparently isn't big enough to warrant a c section. My doctor thinks I can handle the vaginal birth. Like I'm only 5'5". I'm not a wimpy 5'5", but still. Baby is big due to daddy 6'10". So because he's big I'm worried I will tear. Doctor said healing from a tear is still easier than healing from a c section. But honestly a ripped vagina sounds a lot more scary than an incision lol

So anyways, looking to hear from women who had tearing. What was healing process like? Did it mess up your sex life?

EDIT: I don't want a c section. Re-reading I realize how people may get that. I just didn't feel like I got enough information about tears from my doctor. Google is full of horror stories so I thought I'd ask women straight up what it was like for you. Thanks :)

UPDATE: Had just a little tear, a few stitches. Completely back to normal 2mpp :)