Getting excited over any sort of pain at this stage

Kyla • Young mum of a precious little girl
I have been getting quite alot of braxton hicks these past couple of days and now as i was laying on the couch i had these weird pains low on one side of my abdomen they were quite sharp and i just started getting super excited. The pains would last for about 2 seconds go away for 2 and come back that lasted a good minute and now it hasnt came back. Also i have been going to the toilet even more frequently!! My baby was 3/5ths engaged a week ago so hoping shes not too far off coming! I know adrenaline can prevent labour in the early stages. Just so excited and now sad the pains have gone. Baby has been even more active today more then ever - i know thats not a good sign either :( but fingers crossed something is happening!!