amoxicillin causes yeast infection, happen to anyone else??

So pissed!!!!!! 
So I just had my wisdom teeth taken out, and they put me on amoxicillin to prevent infection, fine ok, gotta take it for 10 days 3x a day, no biggy. 
I then notice on Friday (my teeth were takin out om Thursday, and I'd been taking the amoxicillin since Thursday night)) that I have a yeast infection, YIPPI!!!!!! I did some digging and apparently one of the common side effects of amoxicillin for women is a yeast infection!!!! 
I'm so pissed right now, I'm seeing my boyfriend for the first time in literally a month this weekend, and we were going to have sex. Knowing how my body reacts with yeast infections, I know I'm going to have it until I'm done taking the stupid amoxicillin which won't be till Sunday night, even with the one dose RX pill that my doctor prescribed me. I can't even give the man a blow job cuz I can't open my mouth enough, and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be good for the holes lol.
It's not a question of my boyfriend not understanding, because he does. It's just frustrating as hell LOL.
Has this happened to anyone else?????