Looking for cycle buddies: starting TTC after miscarriage

I found out in mid-October, at 12w5d, that I had a missed miscarriage at around the 10.5 week mark (fetus was measuring 8 weeks, but after a MMC it starts shrinking at the same rate it was growing). I had a D&C and lots of tests since then -- even though it was my first miscarriage, I have had a hard time accepting it and really wanted to find an answer for why it happened before we start trying. (So far, have found no concrete answer.)
I am currently on my second period since the D&C and plan to start trying this cycle (O expected around Jan 9-12). I am hoping so hard for a quick BFP to put me out of my post-MC grieving but also worried that I'll spend the beginning of the next pregnancy worrying about another miscarriage. 
On a separate note, I've been going to a therapist and to acupuncture weekly for about 1.5 months to help with the grieving and have found it helpful. The holidays have just been hard. Looking forward to a better 2015! ✨