stressed and confused

8 weeks pregnant and I was with my ex for 4 years we broke up in March and did our own thing for a couple months come July we started talking again and having a casual sex kind of thing, unprotected. And the beginning of October I found out I was pregnant. When I told him he cried and said he couldn't do it so I ignored him for a weekend and he came around and said he wanted to be there and we could make things work. Now he's saying he doesn't want to be involved and wants me to get an abortion so he can move on and deal with his life and is giving me "reasons" why it's a good idea. His main thing he says is he can't have a baby with someone he's not in love with and not in a relationship with. And if I choose to keep my baby he's gonna leave forever and never be around. His family supports me even and thinks he needs to grow up. I've just been really emotional and stressed out any advice on people who have been through this before