Soooo pissed off at my MIL!!😠😠

My MIL lives with me and my husband. I just gave birth to my son about 3 weeks ago. My MIL is old school and has her ways and suggestions when it comes to taking care of the baby. When she would tell me stuff, I would simply listen. I had no intentions on doing any of what she suggested because honestly most of it sounds crazy as hell. Well, she would ask me a lot about if I would add cereal to his milk. I told her absolutely not. He's a newborn, not even 3 weeks old yet, why would I give him cereal? My breastmilk will satisfy him until he's old enough to have cereal. She would ask me this all the time. Anyway, last night she offered to look after him in her room so that I could get some much needed rest. I said ok. I told her he has plenty of milk in the fridge that I've pumped so just use that. If you need anything just knock on my door I'm right across the hall. This morning I get him back, all is well. She eventually goes to work. While the baby was sleep I decided I would wash his bottles. I noticed one of the bottles in his bassinet still had milk in it but it was darker than my breastmilk normally is. At this point I start getting heated thinking I know this lady did not give my child cereal after I told her not to. I open it and smell it and it smells like bananas!! This crazy bitch gave my child cereal after I specifically told her not to!! I immediately started cussing and yelling telling my husband that she is gonna get a piece of my mind when she gets home tonight. Like how in the hell are you gonna take it upon yourself to give someone else's child something after they clearly told you not to do so?! Words can't describe my anger. I'm glad my baby's ok and didnt have a reaction to the bananas or anything but I'm still angry. I can't wait until she gets home....