cervix thinning at 26 weeks, contractions 3 min apart

rebecca • I'm 35, this will be my 4th natural child and i have 2 steps. my hub and i are building a few tiny homes on five acres. life in the woods is amazing!
26 weeks, having contractions 3 min apart, my doctor measured my cervix and said it was 1.8 then I went on bed rest and four days later I went back and he said it measured 2.2, can your cervix get thicker after it starts to thin? This is my fourth pregnancy and I have had a lot of contractions with all of them probably due to having a short cervix to begin with. I am trying not to worry because I feel like it's normal for me but I don't want to ignore it and deliver this early! This is my last pregnancy and I just want to enjoy the ride but these contractions are controlling my life