Every cloud.... ๐ŸŒˆ (negative comments)

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Coming to terms that its definitely over and that the man who put on this fake amazing persona isn't who I thought he was.

Its sad how I fell for him and he ended up being this complete different, heartless abusive guy who I'm now divorcing for his actions making me a single mum.

I'm seeing the bright side of the situation which is my son. If our marriage ended without me being pregnant I would have been more likely to do something stupid or sunk into a deeper depression but being pregnant and looking forward to having a baby has kept me going these last few months.

Thank you everyone who HAS supported me and given me guidance and good advise and always having lovely things to say. The haters who try and judge me by thinking or presuming my husband was always an idiot but I married him anyway are unfortunately clueless and don't know me (obviously). No one would deliberately marry someone whos abusive, I thought and was convinced I was marrying a lovely caring man but I'm the one paying the consequences. Also.... Yes we had unprotected sex , after our marriage ! When things were perfect .. Before we got back to his house and he acted like an idiot.... Yes in that time I conceived and was pregnant so I'm not this dippy girl some are making me out to be.

If you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say it at all, I've got enough going on right now than to have to put up with peoples negative comments.

Let's just remember that I left him high and dry, he is now alone with a dog he doesn't give attention to. He looks like a fat monkey , he tries to insult and abuse me over the internet and is making up lies to make me look like the bad person. I did the right thing in leaving and the baby and myself will be so much safer away from him