Do you think my doctor will electively induce me?

Okay no negativity please. I just found out today that my mom who I'm very close to has cancer and has been hiding it from me and she is refusing surgery until my baby is born. I can not talk her into going ahead and doing the surgery to try to remove the cancer...I'm almost 38 weeks. I'm due November 19. Do you think if I explain to my doctor what is going on she will induce me at 38 weeks so my mom won't wait to get this surgery? I'm afraid since she's already let it get this far that she won't have much time and she is older and she doesn't think she will make it through surgery even though I'm sure she will. That's why she won't go ahead and do the surgery without meeting her grandson. I'm just freaking out now because I'm scared something will happen to her. She has cancer lumps in two places and I just want them to try to fix her but she refused until I have the baby. I'm curious if my doctor could possibly induce me once I hit 38 weeks if I explain this. What do you ladies think? 

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