I need a hug

It's 11:10 at night and I feel like pouring my heart out. The current Love of my life and I just had The longest most meaningful conversation I think we've ever had. He says that we need to spend some time apart to figure ourselves out. Not an eternity not forever just for a little while.  I can't argue with him because he's right. But, my heart still hurts, I don't quite know what to do. It's going to be weird to not quite have them around all the time. Not to kiss him to hold him not to hug him not to have his sent just imbedded in my clothes. Till further notice i'm pretty sure I'll have a piece of me missing. But that's not a New feeling.  Quite frankly it's what I deal with every day. 

This is something I've seen coming for quite a while. It's the downside to being a very observant person. 

I guess I just need someone to say it's OK to hurt a little bit, but there's always tomorrow. Things will always get better. I need someone to understand just for a second it's good, just for a moment this is needed. And, it's OK. 

Everything will be OK everything will be OK  

  I don't need hate just some love and a hug