I'm worried I'm pregnant

I'm like a day late on my period this has never happened before the last time I had sex was on the 23 of oct and he didn't use a condom but I saw him pull out and then jerk himself until he cum I'm 17 I'm about to graduate high school in June and I'm kinda worried because what if I'm pregnant If I am I would keep the baby obviously because it would be my baby and I know he would help because I have known him for 4 or 5 years and dated him for like 3 months and he even denied his brothers offer at moving away to North Carolina but my family is going to be so disappointed in me if it happened I think my dad would beat my ass and my mom knows I have sex but she would be disappointed if I got pregnant I'm really worried I also haven't been getting enough sleep lately and have been taking medicine for strep throat so maybe that's why it's late