Sign or Circumstance!

Cassie • 20 years young • Australia • Taking it as it comes
So tonight is New Year's <a href="">Eve</a> and because I worked till 11 I was driving. My family were at the races and I got there just before the last race for the night and made a bet on a horse that was number 5, his birthday is the 5th, and had his last name in the name of it. The horse ended up winning me 52 bucks. Also while at work the band downstairs played 'Evie' which is a song I've always liked and ironically, is what he's deadset on naming his daughter. Also because it's one of his favourite songs. At this point I'm not sure if my mind's playing tricks on me because even after 3 months and countless dates I can't shake the feelings I had for him, or whether maybe it is a 'sign' to be patient because maybe it's not over. That or it could also be as if to say "Stop thinking about him. It's time to move on." I honestly don't know, but has anyone else felt this way before? Whether it be about anything? Like you feel the worlds almost telling you something?

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