Is this considered rape?

This happened 1.5 years ago but it still bothers me so much. I know it's probably in a "gray area", but I'm just wondering if this is legally rape in California. I was spending the night at this girls apartment, but there were 3 guys there too (1 was her boyfriend who is a friend of mine). The other guy was a friend of theirs I know as an acquaintance, the other is a guy who has made it clear he has feelings for me for years and I have talked to many times but was always kind of creeped out by him. Well, it was my friend's birthday so they wanted to drink so I took shots with them. I realized that I had a little too much (one of my first times drinking) and I vaguely remember crying and the two guys were asking me what was wrong but I just went and layed down. The acquaintance was asleep on the couch and the creepy guy and I had to sleep on the floor. I have no memory of the rest of that night besides a really foggy memory of my pants coming off. Well the next morning we leave to drive home and I'm throwing up in my purse in the car, I felt awful. I would have never ever ever touched that guy (or really any other guy at the time, I had a lot of anxiety about sex), he honestly scares me. It's not like he's mean or anything, he's just kind of quiet and awkward and it's always made me so uncomfortable. But he offered to drive me home and the other guy said yeah because he had to go somewhere. In the car he asked me if I remembered last night and I said only the beginning and then he was like "you know, we had sex" and my stomach just dropped. I wanted to cry. He said that the condom broke.. I wanted to die right there. I felt so disgusting.. If he was as drunk as I was, I would be less likely to question if it was rape, but he was apparently able to get a condom and put it on and obviously had full memory of the night. In my mind, it never happened. I still can't believe it and I don't consider that sex. I hate it so bad. I don't know, is this rape in CA? Thank you.