TMI*** Could possibly still be pregnant?

Back in May I had some strong positive hpts test and ended up miscarrying it. I had some huge clots and tissue come out of me. (Pictures below)

The beginning of October, I had some faint positives. Then when I finally got a positive that was strong enough to see without tweaking, the very next day I started bleeding. No severe cramps, just discomfort. The bleeding was heavy and lasted for 5 days, but there were no clots or tissue like my last MC. Nor any sharp pains. Just bleeding & discomfort. I never took another test. I called my doctor a couple days later and she said it sounded like I had a chemical pregnancy, and if I wanted to come in and check my hcg levels I could. Other than that, I don't have to come in if everything passed and the bleeding and pain stopped in a few days. Here a month later, I sometimes feel discomfort where my left ovary may be & I'm having acid reflux & heartburn, which I NEVER have except during pregnancy..I have an appt made, but it won't be another week before I go. Has anyone else been through this and still be pregnant??