need boy advice

So I met this guy last year and ever since last May, we have been talking on and off. He's not much of a texter I guess you could say he takes forever to reply but then again so do I, so I guess we're both on the same page. On our first "date" I went over to his place and I met his brother and his brothers wife. We took his dog for a walk and we just talked about our interests very briefly not that deep. That same day we did kiss yes I know some of you guys aren't a fan of kissing on the first date but it just felt so natural for both of us. After that each time that  we see eachother it just comes out naturally, so we just kiss eachother and all that. I did loose my virginity to him too last month.. He is so sweet when we're both together and I feel good and comfortable around him but I don't know sometimes I just start wondering and questioning the situation. For example I always ask myself  that if he really likes me why he doesn't bother to text me, like he does text but it's basically just when he wants to hang out and make plans for that, but other than that there's nothing. So I don't know if I should continue to see him or if it seems that he's a fuckboy... I mean I have also met his best friend and he's met my parents but idk some times I start to overthink. I just feel used sometimes TBH... And since fuck boys are everywhere it's hard to see who's real and who isn't. I really do like him I think about him very often but I just wonder if he does think about me too, or if he just wants something else if you know what I mean..