social media issue

Ok ladies. I just want you guys opinion. It's not a big deal but I'm just curious as to what you guys think about this. Okay. So I'm married. And my husband has a Facebook & Instagram that he has just started at the beginning of this year. I've been on social media since like forever. Since he has started the account.. He puts selfies of himself up. His car. Him singing. Even his dog. There is not ONE PIC of me. And we are married. Have a child. But on mine, he's everything on my Facebook and Instagram. I asked him about it and he's like it's not that serious. Why do he have to put me on there? I'm not saying I don't trust me hubby but it does bother me that his page looks like he is single and pics of just him, his cars, and his dog. What you guys think? How would you feel about the social media?