10 dpo with a BFN

Took a test this morning with FMU and SMU and negative (took wondfo preg test). AF due in 4 days.  I know it's still kind of early but the only symptoms I really have been having at the moment are tingly, sore breasts and nausea. I normally get sore breasts before AF but this is a soreness I've never had, more uncomfortable and painful and started early  at only 4 dpo and gradually getting worse. Have had some cramping and back pain but only for a couple days during this 2WW. Been dry down there when I wipe when normally I get white milky discharge before AF. The only thing I had was a whitish yellow blob of mucus one night.  Don't have much of an appetite I think due to the nausea. I'm going to wait til Saturday to take another test and I'm not really asking anyone if I'm pregnant just would like to know some of your symptoms also and am I out or do I still have a chance?? Baby dust to all!!