Ladies i need some advice about my psrents and bf pls 😢

I just dont know if i should bring my bf around or not. .. He has met my parents once and they liked him, but because he hasnt been back over they are judging his character saying he needs to man up and come over more. And i told them his grandma died and so he has been distant and they tell me i need to stop taking up for him. I do not bring my bf around for several reasons.

My parents have been so hard on me about him and our relationship . being so critical about everything.. And so i stopped talking to them about our relationship and just set my mind on moving away with him next year. My parents are upset saying they wish id talk to them more about him and take their advice. But the thing is is i dont want to hear negativity all the time. They always have negative things to say and nothing postive. They claim they want a relationship with him and my daddy been upset saying me and him arent going to have the relationship we should have because im so private in my life. I really would hate to leave on bad terms with them. But at the same time dating my bf is stressful when i have to involve my parents. They want me to date him the way they would date. I am 22 and they want to know everything that goes on in my life.. They keep trying to find every reason for him to be the wrong guy. And he has done nothing wrong and 100% the right guy. They have asked me multiple times are we serious about eavh tiher to see if i have changed my mind. And my mom always tells me "i hope u dont think hes the one ur gonna marry. U may date 5 more guys before u get married".. Like why cant he be the one?? Im so heartbroken by their comments. And that is why i havent been telling them things. I just dont know what to do. What do u ladies think? Please no negative comments. Im really upset by this.