Ftm, born at 38+2, healthy happy

Rachel • This is the result of having sex.

My last check with my doctor was Tuesday afternoon. I was 1cm (and had been sitting there since 34 weeks), hard, and high. I ended up presenting a bloody show all night on the 2nd and it was accompanied by a lot of pelvic pressure. I spent the entire night in and out of bed attempting to walk to relieve the pressure. I finally fell asleep around 5:30 and slept until my SO left for work at 6. At this time I was experiencing some mild cramping and felt like I had to poo. So, I got back up and attempted to go. No luck. I ate breakfast and laid back down for another hour or so. Around 730 I was up with mild back pain, kind of felt like a very dull pain. I ended up going back to sleep for an hour and waking with more moderate back pain. This was all spread across my lower back. By 9:30 I was having some mild contractions, much like braxton hicks. They were around 6 minutes apart and I felt something was different. It makes a huge change when you go from BH to contractions, least it did for me. People know what they are saying when they say "you will know". I spent the next hour timing out contractions while eating breakfast again (yep, morning rituals) and then hopping in the shower. By the time I got out my contractions were down to 4-6 minutes apart and about a 4/5 in pain out of 10. So still fairly mild!

I battled with myself to call L&D due to having had so many BH in consistent patterns. By 11:40 I broke down and called. The word was get my butt in since I had over an hour before I would arrive.

I called my sister, and my SO (who was at work). I ended up cleaning the house while I waited for my SO to come get me. We got to the hospital at nearly 1pm. They checked me. 3cm, 50% effaced, station -1

In order to keep me, I had to progress 1cm in an hour. So I walked, a lot and sure enough presented a 4 by the time they got in the room. At this point I was having very strong contractions between 2-3mins and 7/8 in pain. I could feel my entire body tighten up, and all you can do is breathe.

They decided to admit me and we moved over to a laboring room. I started having issues with my heart rate, so they broke my water and began a pitocin drip. I was also running a fever of 101.1 due to having been sick prior to this. I very quickly got to a 6 and was given the minimum epidural so I could attempt to rest before it was time to push. I did not sleep. I have no idea how anyone sleeps. By 9:30pm I was at a 9 and my epidural had worn off. I was able to breathe through my contractions and knew when I was ready to push. This was such a good thing because my doctor had already left for the evening. So I basically had said "hey I'm ready" and they were calling him to turn around to come back. (Kinda lame he left in the first place due to me having complications)

He made it in about a minute before I was pushing, guess that's how it normally goes, and I pushed for 30 minutes. I had a very small episiotomy due to me being too small. He has a slightly bruised nose but is otherwise in great shape.

I had some issues with my uterus and was bleeding pretty badly afterwards. I ended up being given some medicine to help it. My fever finally broke around 11:30pm and it thankfully has stayed away. My uterus is hard now and no more issues. I'm in pain, but nothing I cannot handle.

Baby boy John is 6lbs 14oz and 19.5" long. He has so much hair and he is perfect.

Daddy and mommy are so happy.