Don't want MIL in delivery...

So I don't really get on with my mil she is very controlling and such a interfering woman. She try's to take the lime light out of everything and just annoys me. I really know she is going to get on my nerves and try to be the number one while I'm delivering (not that it's a competition). We also have different views on how to spell the name for my daughter im expecting and if For any reason I'm out of it she would spell the name her way and think nothing of it. Also she will go to grab baby first and just try to be mum. 
Well she thinks she is coming in the delivery room (she has self invited her self). 
How can I tell her without causing a massive arguement (she likes to cause them a lot) that I just want my hubby and mum in the room? 
My hubby won't tell her he is to much of a mummys boy and ive already spoke to him and it's pointless even trying to speak to him because he thinks I'm in the wrong.