Jolts of pain

Nessa • Wife, mother of two girls (pregnant with #3, a BOY!! due 11/26/16). ❤️
So I know all about "lighting crotch" but this is taking it to a whole new level. I will be sitting laying or walking and this feels like razor blades. It's so sudden and unexpected that it makes me stop and do a loud deep inhale. I have an appointment today at 1030 and I'm sure she will just tell me it's because he is head down and sitting really low but I don't know how to function like this. Anyone have any tips for relief or ways to cope? I still have 3 weeks till our due date, hopeful that he will come sooner my daughter way 2 weeks early but having two kids and a list of things to do I need to be able to function. Sorry for the whinny ranty post, 😞