Should I get back together with my Ex?🤔

I should probably catch all y'all up. Okay so it started last year. I was passing him and one of his friends in the hall. All of a sudden, his friend calls me over to tell me that his friend, my ex, liked my rack. I just walk away. From then on the guy, my ex's name...let's just say it's Edward, starts flirting with me. 2-3 weeks into that, we start dating. We dated for 2 months, we were happy. (Kissing, hugging, saying we love each other, etc.)  We broke up because my friends said they saw him flirting with another girl, someone else said it wasn't true. I still ended it because I was still hurt just thinking that he would actually do something like that. The next day we were both a wreck. I mean him in sweatpants and kinda crying, me in the same situation. Ever since we broke up, he's been trying to get back together. Now we're in 8th grade and he even asked me out again, should I accept?