Baby's born!!!!! :)

11.4.16👣💙 • Gavin Carter 11.4.16 ❤ instagram: cstone11416

Baby boy was born 11/4/16 1:25am!

5 pounds 3 ounces, 18.5 inches!

Original due date was 11/22/16, but due to high blood pressure I was induced at 37+1, gave birth 26 hours after induction started (which was no fun at all lol). Labor was super intense for the last 2 hours but he was worth every second 💙 I decided against the epidural, which i kind of regret now, but I'm so glad I didn't cave in! He's spending a little time in the nicu for low blood sugar but we should all be going home sunday!!! Love my little peanut!