Car seat situation

So my hubby and I are trying to figure out our car seat / travel system situation. My aunt just bought us a travel system and I was curious, my husband and I both drive two different vehicles to work, etc. But we both want a car seat at all times for the convience of not having to meet up and get it. How are you and your SO doing this. Do each of you have your own travel system? Or do you guys switch off? I'm just trying to figure out what we should do. Get a travel system for one car and a convertible for another? The only problem is I will most likely be dropping him off and picking baby up while we work but there's a possibility he may get off work earlier to do so. I work less than him though so baby will be with me more. But when we go out together we always take him truck instead of my car. So I'm really just trying to figure out what we should buy and what would make more sense. I'm sorry if this is confusing. I'm just wondering how you and your SO work these situations out and what works best.