Baby position n GD

Hi guys,
I have Gd and was on diet control,but my fasting numbers are usually in range of 90-100. Doctor prescribed me glyburide and somehow its not working. They increased my dose from 1.25 -> 2.5 -> 3.75. 
Since my Gd is going with medication, they said they will induce me. I am currently in 32 weeks and they are asking me to come twice a week for NST test to monitor the baby. I have my next dr appt in one month and they havent told me baby position yet. My dr is very experienced person but she is not friendly, that annoys me sometimes, she dont give proper time in appts so that i can ask my concerns. I researched online n always try to figure out the position, it looks like head down to my  husband, but it looks breech or transverse to me. I am so stressed due to GD n not knowing abt baby position yet. 
I dont want to go for Csection n want natural delivery, but looks like god has decided my destiny already. I got so much tensed n stressed n not able to enjoy these days. Need advice how to make myself calm n follow all dr advice n pray for happy delivery.