Power of Jinx

Lindsey • I`m engaged to the love of my life & we are hoping to have a mini us sometime in the very near future.

So I got a +ovulation text for the first time it quite a while the other day & the next day my fiances aunt told me something.

You see, she has the power of jinx, as I like to call it. It's crazy. Last year, around this time, she said that I was going to to be pregnant, but an hour later she said nevermind because then I'd be ready to Burst when we would be on our family vacation. The next day AF showed up. Then in February she told Michael's mom that she wanted her to have another kid & next thing we know, her AF was a week late. Took a test & got a BFP twice.

So I got my +Ov test, next day she tells me that she had a dream about me having twins, ironically I was talking to Michael's mom, about how twins run in my family, the night before. She said her alarm was going off but she ignored it because she wanted to see their faces, lol. & I was thinking maybe she'd do the same thing & change her mind, but she didn't & she's really persistent about it too. Everytime I'd walk outta our room, she'd ask me if we were working on the twins. Last night, at midnight, she yelled happy new years at my stomach.

This is going to be an interesting year if her jinx works on me. But still, since I'm TTC, Challenge Accepted.