Just need to vent

I'm in the process of trying to find a therapist but I been feeling so sad and stressed... I have a 8 month old baby girl who is the best baby that I love with everything in me. Since I have become a mother my life has been full of blessings for her and I but of course some things have been stressing me out. When my daughter was created I was between breaking up with my ex and dating someone new. Well the guy I was dating is my daughter's father not my ex which has been hard to deal with. My ex and I been off and on since I was 17 and now I'm 25... We always talked about having a family together. We were not together when my baby was created but it hurts. My ex has now moved on into another relationship and we don't talk at all. My daughters dad is being a horrible father and it breaks my heart. He has 3 other daughters with 3 other women and from the outside looking in it looks like he cares to have a relationship with those girls cause their mothers allow him to use and abuse them and because I won't he doesn't try to support my baby or have a relationship with my daughter. My baby has never met his family or his other daughters. It really hurts my feelings because my daughter won't know where she comes from. I try to be nice but he always disrespect me and take my kindness for my weakness... None of my friends can relate or understand my situation. I feel like a Debbie downer but I just want my daughter to have both parents in her life. Also me and my mom are not speaking to each other which is hard. We never really did have a good relationship and I feel like I always try but she to selfish to admit her wrongs and correct them. How my mother treats me I could never imagine treating my baby girl like that.  Basically I'm just venting about being a single mom with no financial and emotional support. I love being a mother I just wish I had more support with my child. I feel like all I do is work and be with my baby. I never get me time. I also do not get any government support so I have everything for my baby by myself and it's hard and stressful as well. I have a bucket car from a buy here pay that I want to give back after season so I can just buy a car and don't have to make no more payments. I also been having a hard time finding a sitter for my baby with no help from the government I have to find private sitters since I can't afford a daycare. Which is hard my baby was with a sitter for 3 months but she was abusing my baby and neglecting her so now I'm trying to find someone else which has been hard. I don't have family support to help with her so it makes it stressful leaving her with random people. I need help with getting resources to take care of my baby. I live in Columbus Ohio and trying find resources for help and ways to get help from the government since they claim I make to much but after my taxes taken out I barely have enough money to get food or pampers for my baby. I'm trying to also get back in school by the summer time so I can grow with the company I work for make more money to support my baby.