Tarot reading, predictions & gender predictions, for free! (Heres why im offering this!)

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

So, I'm a Pisces, And if you know anything about a Pisces you know they carry a 6th sence about them. I have always been very intuitive. I can see and sence (a lot) of what's going to happen before it does. Mostly all of my dreams have a meaning that I can put towards my future or relates to my present. My grandmother is the same. She's really in tune with predicting ones future. (She ALWAYS knows when someone in the family is pregnant and knows the gender before the expecting mama! Lol) anyhow... Let's get to the why.


I am on moderate bed rest due to my pregnancy history. And I have been having crazy vivid dreams that inspired me to help others. I am very passionate about this and I take it all very seriously. I feel being a Pisces has much to do with my "6th sense abilities." So, me helping you, is helping me too, as it takes my mind to other places, rather than focusing on my current situation.

How to benefit: Just post a question, a picture of yourself, (or any picture, as long as you're in it) how many kids you have, and their genders (if applicable)and your birthdate, (for astrological reasons) then I will do my very best to give you a 100% honest reading, prediction, tarot reading and will give you a gender reading as well. You can ask whatever questions you like, it doesn't matter what it is about.

I believe you will be happy with the answers you receive, as they will be real, and genuine.

I will keep this going as long as people wish, all I ask is for you to be patient, but I will answer each of you honestly. If I feel that I can't answer a specific question, with 100% accuracy, I will tell you that.

So, the floor is now yours! As again, this is a passion of mine and also my life, I hope I can help you in some way that benefits you!

Warm regards,


P. S if anyone wants a personal/private reply, Let me know and I can email you at whichever email you like.