First round of Clomid help.

Jessica • My husband Corey and I have been trying to conceive #1 for 5 years! Unexplained infertility sucks!
okay so i was put on BC for my surgery. On the 18th of Oct i had a hysteroscopy to see about any blockage in my tubes. The doctor removed 1 polyp. Fast forward to November and I was supposed to start my first round of Clomid on the 2nd but accidently took it the 1st. I was on 100mg for 5 days. AF started the 2nd and now i have been very heavy and im having many clots (not the norm im having to use overnight maxi). Also im sorry tmi but it almost looks like im ovulating already and im having cramps on both sides of my ovaries. Is normal for clomid? Thanks!