Am I in the right or wrong?

Last night, was a great night. I wouldn't change anything about it (except one thing-u'll find out soon)

Had my friend/coworker/neighbor come over, my husband always seems to talk to her more, play with her more, and at one request I have given him-still goes ignored. That request was to never have another female in the house while I'm not at home. I'm not allowed to have another male in the house while he's not home, so y should he be allowed this?

I was tickling him last night, he said to me "No. Stop." I got pissed and stepped to the side saying, "No? Stop? Fine. I'll stop. I won't touch you anymore." Then walked into the living room to watch the New Year's <a href="">Eve</a> party on TV. He asked me to fix his drink for him, I took that to a whole new level. I made it so strong, that u could smell the aroma from his cup. He took a sip and said, "Ugh. Y u make it so strong?" "You deserve it. Drink all of it." My friend had asked me if I was alright. I nodded. Lying thru my nod.

He said that I am jealous. I don't think it's me being jealous. It's him being disrespectful! I love my husband. But y would he think it's OK to act this way towards another female and not his own wife? I'm feeling as though I am being mistreated. And he doesn't even see it. He doesn't see what he's doing to me. To us. I vented on fb about this. Lil did I know my friend and mother in law read this. I deleted it 30 mins after posting it.

Today, he was hurting from that drink I made him. I laughed and smiled and told him he deserved it. Act like that with another female in front of me, play with her and when I play with him he rips my heart out. Today, we both were off work and I spent the day cleaning up my kids' rooms while he sat on him bum all day on his phone. My parents came over and as soon as they entered thru the door they could feel the tension in the air. They asked me what was wrong, I ignored the question. My dad (stepdad) followed me to find out if it was something that both my parents did. I assured him it wasn't them. If he only knew.

My friend text me and apologized. She has nothing to be sorry for. I'm just sorry that she read it on fb and I wasn't quick enough to delete it. She said that she hopes all will get better soon. How can things get better with what I witnessed last night and he called her baby in front of me. Am I just being paranoid? Or...? I am so heartbroken over this. My husband says I'm crazy, jealous and that he loves me and wishes I could see it. That may be true, but how can I take those words to heart, when I witness flirtation in front of me and I'm to step back and allow this to happen...under my roof? F*** that!!

Would any of u ladies put up with this? Am I in the right or wrong, for expressing my feelings towards this?

Sorry so long. Had to vent somewhere.