I can't believe it!!


My LO has been fighting her daytime naps for a couple weeks. Also, she rarely would take a pacifier, so I barely tried giving it to her. I don't know if I was trying at the wrong times or what... Yesterday, she was was getting fussy and we were about to eat. I wanted to hold her off for 10-20 minutes for feeding, so I figured I'd try the pacifier again. It immediately calmed her down and she took a quick nap in her pack n play. I thought maybe it was a lucky shot. Today after my morning workout, she was getting fussy again. I gave her a pacifier while changing her and again, she took it calmly. I figured, what the hell, I'll put her in the crib and see if she'll take a nap.... and what do you know 😃😃

I'm so happy I kept trying with the pacifier. She really seems to love it! I won't rely on it by any means, but for nap times, it's a keeper!!!