A bit of hope for pcos suffers TTC!!!

I have pcos. Both ovaries full of tiny cysts and haven't had a period or ovulated for over a year. After being referred to gynaecology and having lots of test to check that my Fallopian tubes weren't blocked etc I was then referred to fertility who put me on 50mg clomid and a tablet to bring on a period. I have just come from my follow up appointment for him to tell me my progesterone levels were 62 and definitely ovulated baring in mind that before taking clomid it was 3!! So very low and no sign of ovulation. He has now told me that I am either pregnant or my period will definitely come in the next few days as I have ovulated in which case I will repeat the process!! So don't give up ladies it's taken me 18 months to get to this point and I'm so PLEASED I'm even ovulating! There is hope! Fingers crossed my period doesn't come! I also take a fertility vitamin to help with conception!!! Best of luck!! ❤️❤️❤️