
Rosy • I`m 27, I have 2 handsome boys, and beautiful wild little girl. ❤️❤️💜👼
Has anyone else started having swollen feet? My feet hurt so bad from the swelling that has been going on, I can literally feel the fluid swishing around in there. It's horrid. They just keep telling me to elevate my feet but it's not helping. Anyone else?
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Posted at
Yes. My feet, my hands, my face...


Jennifer Mae • Nov 9, 2016
I've accepted that my face is round and puffy haha, I don't even look or feel like myself anymore! I just try to relax. Prop my feet up. The doctor didn't seem worried about my swelling, just told me to take it easy. Thankfully I don't work right now, so that helps.


Rosy • Nov 9, 2016
What are you doing to help with the swelling?


Rosy • Nov 9, 2016
So far it's just my hands and feet, I hope I don't swell up from the face yet.


Posted at
My feet are soooo swollen!!! I have cankles 😭😭😭 and they ache badly 


Posted at
Yes! My feet have been swollen for a couple of weeks now, but I feel like they are getting worse. Now my hands are getting swollen too, sometimes I can hardly get my wedding rings on!! 


Jennifer Mae • Nov 9, 2016
My wedding ring hasn't fit in weeks, I have it on a necklace.


Posted at
They say to put them above your heart. So I would lay down & put them on 3/4 pillows. 


As • Nov 9, 2016
I definitely would cause it's been known to be a sign of blood pressure problems. .


Becca • Nov 9, 2016
Yes ma'am. I've been drinking nothing but water & they just won't go down. I have an appointment on Friday I'm going to speak to my doctor about it.


As • Nov 9, 2016
Awhh. I'm sorry! Have you drank plenty of water?


Posted at
You need to push fluids. Drink lots and lots of water also try some compression socks they help :) try to avoid thing high in sodium also 


Posted at
I've had swollen feet since 20 weeks


Posted at
I'm sorry to hear this! You need to contact your doctor immediately as this is a large symptom of preeclampsia.