Too soon to fall for someone new?

So my ex dumped me 5days before Christmas (and found out he was cheating). So I jumped on a dating site so try to renew my confidence and found someone pretty awesome! My only thing is it's only been a few weeks and he already wants to move in together (and I have a 2 1/2year old), start a family with me and even marry me! (It's everything I want in life but is it too much to soon) help please!!! TIA
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Woah yes.. Wayyyy too soon my love. Be careful 


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That's actually really creepy... I would take it waaay back-That's a bad sign.


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Dont do it. If you found him on a dating site you need to do a back ground check and make sure hes who he says he is. You dont want some one who could be a sex affender to move in with you and your child. Honestly tho if some one I was only talking to for a week said they wanted to marrie me id probably stop talking to them that is way to fast. Lack of boundaries


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Not only would I pull back, I would stop dating him all together. He's going WAY too fast. That's psycho.


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Keep it real..... He's the rebound guy be careful


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Way too soon u don't even know the guy...


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Way too fast!


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Too soon!!!  Have you even met this guy?  Be careful out there.  Especially since you have a child.  You have to protect them.  You don't want to bring multiple guys around your child.  There are good people out there,  but you have to think of your child and your own safety. 


Quarteisha • Jan 3, 2015
You don't want to want something so bad that you don't care about the quality. You will find the one for you


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Way too soon. Why not to get to know him more. You have to super take care what you've been doing. You never know his a killer or something. I'm just saying.


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Yikes !!!!!  Scary.  Sounds really soon to me.  Moving in together?  Ya i would say sloooow that train down.....