What would you do?

My 29 year old boyfriend has a 40 year old friend who is completely dependent on him & I hate it. This guy asks him for help with everything & can't do anything for himself. He's even been living on my boyfriend's couch for months. My boyfriend agrees with me that this guy is too dependent on him, but he won't do/say anything about it & he gets annoyed when I mention it. Anyway, they went out last night because this guy is constantly begging him to go to a club with him so he can meet girls & he has no other friends. My boyfriend and I had been arguing all day yesterday via text. Somewhere in the conversation, I texted him, "have fun with your pet. Don't forget his leash."  My boyfriend then replied, "I will, bitch."  I feel completely disrespected. I didn't say anything after that. He texted me a few hours later at about midnight just to say, "hi" & nothing else. I never replied to that either. I don't know what my next course of action should be. Any ideas on the best, mature way to handle it?