please read- my heart is aching

My daughter is 6 months old. Last Friday she woke up and I noticed she wasn't straightening her right leg all the way. We had our 6 month appt that day so I waited until then to notify her pediatrician. When we got to the appt her dr held off on shots and noticed my daughters knee was swollen as well. She sent us over to radiology- results came back negative, she had no break or fracture. Our next step was to call the othopedic surgeon. He said as long as she didn't have a fever or rash we could wait until Monday to see him. Monday comes along I take her to the appt and he says not only is her knee swollen but her thigh is as well. He sends us to the hospital for a bunch of blood work. At this point I'm freaking out wondering what could possibly be going on with my baby. They take her blood we leave the hospital they told us blood work results would be in within a couple hours. In the meantime I get a call from the orthopedic surgeon asking if I was on my way to the children's hospital 3 hours away. Baffled by this I say what???? She tells me you should have received a call from your pediatrician you need to get there asap for a bone scan and MRI. I'm hysterical at this point because no one is telling me what is going on still. Ortho calls back says hold off until tomorrow the blood work is coming in and saying there is no infection so the risk of septic joint is going away. About a minute later I get a call from my pedi saying get to the local hospital we need to transfer your daughter by ambo to the children's hospital right now. I get to the ER not sure what the hell is going on to then have the on call ER doctor tell me there's a chance my baby has cancer and we need to get her to the children's hospital now. I lost it at this point. I had so many questions but all I could do was cry. I kept thinking her leg is just swollen and won't straighten her vitals are completely normal she's smiling laughing being her usual happy self. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BABY! We take the 3 hour ride to the children's hospital get there at about midnight. Mind you they had me stop breastfeeding my daughter at 530pm had me starve her for 10.5 hours and finally I had to beg to feed her at 4am when she normally eats every 1.5-2hrs. They pinned her down shoving IVs in her to draw more blood because they couldn't access her previous blood work done that day. Did another set of X-rays. Only to have us leave at 6am on zero sleep to drive 3 hours home (my husband followed behind us with my mom) WITH NO CONCLUSOON OR ANSWERS!!!! They have her on ibruprofen every 6 hours for the next five days to see if they swelling goes down at all. I just want answers this not knowing is killing my husband and me. Has anyone had anything like this happen? They are saying it could be transient synovitis???
- worried sick mama