Provera, Clomid, and Ovidrel: Oh My!

Shelby • Two Valentine`s babies TTC their own little love child. <3
My husband and I have been TTC for nearly 2 years now. We began seeing a fertility specialist recently. After 10 days of Provera, some waiting, 5 days of Clomid, and some more waiting.... I took my trigger shot of Ovidrel today! That makes tomorrow night DATE NIGHT!! (How sweet, hubby wants to take me to the dinner at the restaurant where we met, on our first date!!) I can already feel a little tightness in the area of my left ovary, which is where my doctor spotted the healthiest follicles. I'm nervous and excited. I know it's still possible for this not to work, but my heart just has to believe it will. I'm trying to keep my hopes in check, but it's so hard to do! 
What stories do others have, who have gone through this same plan of action? Any success stories?